Community Programs
We educate and inspire community members to take positive action and stewardship in their local watersheds.
We provide education on local watershed issues and offer community-led solutions. Through partnerships with local government, businesses, and homeowners, WaterWays empowers community members to improve their local water quality.
We offer several programs geared towards individuals and groups who are passionate about making a difference in their watersheds.

Adopt-A-Waterway allows individuals, families, and organizations to commit to ongoing stewardship in their local streams throughout the Tennessee Valley Watershed.
Adopting a stream means a two year commitment to the segment of your choosing, with at least one stewardship project required every year. You will be recognized on site with a sign, and supported by WaterWays throughout the adoption process.

RainSmart Yards
In partnership with the City of Chattanooga and Hamilton County, the RainSmart Yards initiative was founded in 2018 under the name My Tennessee: Clean Water Starts Here. This award program recognizes creek-friendly yards that capture and retain stormwater during rain events, as well as create habitat for native plants and pollinators.

Tennessee River Rescue
The Tennessee River Rescue is an annual community-led clean-up of the Tennessee River and some of its tributaries. This event occurs on the first Saturday of October every year. It began over 30 years ago with a group of Chattanooga residents that were motivated to have the community clean up the river. The River Rescue has grown to include over twenties sites spanning four counties and seeing nearly 800 volunteers on average.

Wild Plant Rescue
Wild Plant Rescue aims to save native plants and protect ecological diversity in our region by rescuing species that would otherwise be destroyed from ongoing development. The plants will then be housed at a number of schools and local organizations to be used as educational material before being used in restoration projects or sold to further fund our program!