
Belize Kids 4 Clean Water Camp

Learning about the reef helps kids understand why we need to keep the water clean.

We were called by Belize Community Conservation to help with sanitation issues.  Together we built Kids 4 Clean Water camps in Belize and are working to improve hygiene and sanitation in the poor villages near San Pedro.

San Pedro Red Cross and Caribbean Youth Environment Network have also joined us as partners and many local businesses support us through in kind donations of a place to stay, water and food for the kids, and the snorkeling trip via Ecologic Divers!

We teach kids in Belize how to test their water

Kids in this village have to walk these planks to their homes.


They call the planks “London Bridges” because they might fall down into the sewage-laden water below. Prior to the road being built in 2015, these bridges were the only means of travel through San Mateo.

In many cases, they were the only dry ground on which the children could play. Many injuries were sustained from traveling over, and falling off of these “paths.” The subsequent wounds often became infected from the unsanitary conditions and people died.

Our Laboratory: The front yard of Miss Maggie’s house.  Kids collected water and then tested it for bacteria.